Flash News

Sharon Fellowship Church has given a grand farewell to Pr. Ninan K George & Family on 31st March 2017 from 9 am to 12 pm. Pr. Bijili George Simon presided over the meeting and Pr. Manu Kurian (Sharon Fellowship Church, Manguf) shared word of God. Br. K P Koshy, Br. Roy K Yohannan, Br. Mathews Daniel who represent NECK & KTMCC had given felicitation speech. Br.Issac Philip represents church, Br. Jobmon Thomas represents CEM, Br. Christudas Thomas represents Sunday school, Sr. Leena Santhosh represents Vanitha Samajam also shared felicitation speech and awarded mementos to the Pastor and family. All the church members shared their testimony and felicitation during the meeting. Pr. Ninan K George and Sr. Suja George shared thanks giving message to the church. Pastor and family have completed the ministry successfully with God's grace last 3 years in Kuwait. His tenure was a blessing period for the church.




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